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Daniel Spoerri |
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1930 Born in Galati (Romania); Father: Isaac Feinstein, missionary of the Norwegian Lutheran church: Mother: Lydia Feinstein-Spoerri |
1942 Flees with mother and (five) siblings to Zurich. Lives with his uncle, Professor Theophil Spoerri. The family takes on the name of the mother. |
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1949 Meets Jean Tinguely and Eva Aeppli. Theaterdance School Zurich (Max Terpis). |
1952 Receives a scholarship for dance studies in Paris; also works there as a tourist guide. |
1954 -1957 Lead dancer at the Municipal Theater of Bern. Friendship with Dieter Roth and Bernhard Luginbühl, Claus Bremer, André Thomkins and Meret Oppenheim. |
1955 Choreography for Color Ballet Writes a series of concrete poems. |
1956 Staging of Picasso’s surrealistic drama “Desire trapped by the Tail” (Bern), German premiere of Ionesco’s “The Bald Soprano “ and Jean Tardieu’s “The Sonata and the Three Gentlemen”. Gradual turning away from dance. |
1957-1959 |
1958 Meets Pol Bury and Jesus-Rafael Soto. |
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1959 Returns to Paris. Lives in Chambre No.13 in the Hotel Carcassonne, Rue Mouffetard. Founds “Edition MAT” (Multiplication d’art transformable). Meets Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray and Robert Filliou. |
1960 Co-signer of the Manifesto of “Nouveau Réalisme” (New Realism) First “snare pictures” are shown at the «Festival d’art d’avantgarde», Palais des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles, in Paris. |
1961 First exhibition in Arturo Schwarz’s Galleria d’arte in Milan. Exhibition “Der Krämerladen” (The Grocery Shop) (Rubber stamp: “Caution : Artwork”; Taboo bread loaves), Addi Koepcke Gallery, Kopenhagen. Exhibition “Der Koffer” (The Suitcase) (All New Realists in one suitcase), Lauhus Gallery, Cologne Spoerri organizes the exhibition “Bewogen Beweging” at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. The snare picture “Petit déjeuner de Kichka” is shown at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), in New York in the exhibition “The Art of Assemblage” and purchased. Friendship with Karl Gerstner. |
1962 For the exhibition at the Galerie Lawrence in Paris the “Topographie anecdotée du hasard” (An Anecdoted Topography of Chance) comes out, a literary snare picture, which has since been supplemented several times and newly published. Two rooms in the exhibition “Dylaby” (with Tinguely, Niki de St.Phalle, Rauschenberg a.o..), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Exhibition “The Misfits Fair” (with Filliou, Koepcke, Williams, Topor, Gustav Metzger, Robin Page) Gallery One, London. Theater of Ulm, snare play “Ja Mama, das machen wir!” (Yes, Mama, we’ll do that) by Daniel Spoerri. |
1963 Aside from the snare pictures, the so-called “Détrompe-l’oeil-Pictures” and collections like the “Optique Moderne” are created. Exhibition “Restaurant de la Galerie J”; shown there : 723 ustensiles de cuisine; (Galerie J, Paris). 7-minute exhibition “bis das Ei hartgekocht ist” (Until the egg is hard-boiled) Galerie Zwirner, Cologne. Exhibition “Dorotheanum (Institut für Selbstentleibung)” (Institute for Suicide), Galerie Dorothea Loehr, Frankfurt. |
1964 Lives at the Chelsea Hotel, New York. Exhibition“Eaten by… - 31 Variations on a Meal”, Allan Stone Gallery, New York. Exhibition of the “Pièges à mots“ (word traps), Galerie J, Paris; Galerie Zwirner, Köln. Gag-Festival, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin. Beginning of the friendship with Roland Topor. Continues to work with Karl Gerstner on MAT Edition. “Edition MAT” |
1965 Exhibition “Daniel Spoerri’s room No 631 at the Chelsea Hotel” through the Green Gallery. Exhibition “31 Variations on a meal”, Galerie Ad Libitum, Antwerp. “Le Restaurant de la City Galerie”, at Bruno Bischofbergers, Zurich. Exhibition “Trappole per parole” (word traps), Galerie Schwarz, Milan. Returns to Paris. |
1966/67 Withdraws to the Aegean island of Symi, where he creates the Gastronomic Diary , as well as the series Magie à la Noix – 25 Zimtzauberobjekte (texted objects). Publishes the journal „Le Petit Colosse de Symi“. Stays in Nantes, works on the Symi texts. |
1968 Exhibition “25 Objets de Magie à la Noix – Zimtzauberkonserven”, Galerie Gunar, Düsseldorf. The book about Symi (Mythological Travels of a Modern Sir Mandelville) is published. Exhibition “Ars Multiplicata”, Kunsthalle Cologne. Exhibition “Hahn Collection” Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne. Opening of Restaurant Spoerri on June 18 in Düsseldorf. Lives in Düsseldorf. |
1969 Exhibition “Gegenverkehr” (On-coming traffic), Kunstverein Aachen. Exhibition“Freunde, Friends – d’Fründ”, Basel; Düsseldorf. Exhibition “Max und Morimal Art”, Galerie Handschin, Basel. Tony Morgan realizes the film“Resurrection” according to a concept by Daniel Spoerri. |
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1970 Opening of the Eat Art Galerie on the floor above the Restaurant Spoerri (D.S. presents Eat Art; exhibitions with works by Richard Lindner, Arman, Luginbühl, Beuys, Roth and others.). Exhibition “Brotteigobjekte“ (Bread dough objects) The first bronze sculpture „Santo Grappa“ is created. Banquet Menu travesti – Banana Trap Dinner, Edinburgh Banquet Henkel-Banquet, Düsseldorf Banquet Ultima Cena, Milan (Graphic of menu is signed by all Nouveaux Réalistes). Lives in Caviglano, Ticino. |
1971-72 First retrospective “Homage to Isaac Feinstein (...)” Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (Shown here: “Menschenfallen” (Human traps ) und “Wenn alle Künste untergeh’n, die edle Kochkunst bleibt besteh’n” (If all the arts go down the drain, the art of cooking does remain). Exhibition “Le danger de la multiplication”, Editions Seriaal, Amsterdam. Exhibition “Krims-Krams-Magie” (Magic of odds and ends), Galerie Ernst, Hamburg. Exhibition “Natures mortes” (Still-lifes), Galerie Bischofberger, Zürich. Eat Art Galerie, Düsseldorf. Exhibition “All Multiples by D.S.”, Galerie Bischofberger, Zurich. Lives in Toggwil on Lake Zurich. |
1972 Retrospective (first appearance of “Morduntersuchungen” (Criminal investigations) ) at Helmhaus, Zurich and at the Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Paris. Exhibition “Triple Multiplicateur d’Art” (20+5 originaux en série), Galerie 2000, Paris. Performance of Tristan Tzara‘s “The Gas Heart”, Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf. Die Bretonische Hausapotheke (The Breton Medicine Cabinet, a collection of 117 water samples from Breton mineral springs begins; (until 1977). “L’année 72” (For one year, every day a table will be fixed at Restaurant Spoerri) Banquet:“ Die Küche der Armen der Welt” (The Cooking of the World’s Poor) Ruhrparkcenter, Bochum. |
1973 DAAD scholarship for one year in Berlin. Exhibition “Investigations Criminelles (Criminal investigations)”, Galerie Ecart, Geneva. Buys the mill “Moulin Boyard”(Loiret), south of Paris. Directs the play “The Miller and his Child” by Ernst Rauprich at Schauspielhaus, Düsseldorf. |
1974 Stage design for "Professor Unrat" by Heinrich Mann, Schauspielhaus Bochum; Director: Peter Zadek. |
1975 "Le Coin du Restaurant Spoerri" is shown at the Galleria Multhipla, Milan; also shown there: “12 Banquets” and "Cucina Astro Castro - 12 Stelle" Two months of »Artist in Residence« at the Art School, San Francisco. |
1977 At the “Crocrodrome” a cooperative work by Jean Tinguely with friends: “Le musée sentimental” and “La boutique aberrante”. Exhibition “Dödspringet” in Kopenhagen (with Roland Topor, Nam June Paik, Eric Dietmann among others). |
1977-82 Teaches at the Fachhochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung (Art and design school), Cologne. Lectures on privately experienced art history. (“Kunstgeschichte aus dem Nähkästchen”) Different projects with students (Banquets, exhibitions) The book “Mineral Springs of Brittany” (by Daniel Spoerri and Marie-Louise Plessen) is published. Exhibition “Hammertische”, Felix Handschin, Basel. Exhibition “Faszination des Objekts” (Fascination of the Object) Museum für Moderne Kunst, Vienna. Biennial in Sydney, Australia, where aside from a cow, mummified by wind and sun, a video of the film “Resurrestion” is shown. Stage designs for “A Winter’s Tale”, Director: Peter Zadek and “Le Misanthrope” (in the translation by H.M. Enzensberger), Regie: Peter Zadek. |
1978/79 Documentary “Die Heiligen Brunnen der Bretagne” (The Holy Wells of Brittany) (with Marie-Louise Plessen) and "Vorgärten der Kunst" (Front-yards of Art) (about Art-Brut architects, with Marie-Louise Plessen). |
1979 Exhibition “Le Musée Sentimental de Cologne” (with students of the Fachhochschule (Art and design school),Cologne and Marie-Louise Plessen) Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne. |
1980 “L’Attrappe Tripes – 17 Banquets”, at the Eat Art Festival, Maison de la culture, Chalon-sur-Saône. Short documentary film: “Le Manège de Petit Pierre” (with Marie-Louise Plessen), which was awarded the “Silbernen Filmband” (German federal film award). |
1981 Exhibition “Arbeiten seit 1963 (Works since 1963)” Galerie Krinzinger, Innsbruck; Modern Art Galerie, Vienna; among others. Exhibition “La Pharmacie Bretonne”, Galerie Nothelfer, Berlin Exhibition “Le Musée Sentimental de Prusse”, Berlin Museum, Berlin. |
1982 Exhibition “Oeuvres récents”, Galerie Beaubourg, Paris. |
1982/83 Guest lecturer at the “Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst” (Summer academy for fine arts), Salzburg. Musée sentimental: „Salzburg Inkognito”. |
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1983 Professor at the Kunstakademie, Munich. Projects with students (1983-89) (Banquets, exhibitions) Guest lecturer at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Brest. Meets Pietro Caporella, who will cast most of Daniel Spoerri’s bronze works. Lives in Munich and Ueberstorf. |
1984 “Spoerri presents...”, artist lectures at the Kunstakademie Munich by Christo, Lily Fischer, Karl Gerstner, Bernhard Luginbühl, Hermann Nitsch, Fritz Schwegler, Oswald Wiener, Jean Tinguely, Roland Topor. |
1985 Exhibition “Trompetengold kommt angerollt” (Trumpet’s gold comes rolling along), Spendhaus, Reutlingen. Exhibition “Bronzen” (Bronzes), Galerie Beaubourg, Paris. Guest of honor at Ganserhaus, Wasserburg/Inn. Banquet: “Tripes chez Talman” (Tripe-Festival in Ueberstorf). |
1986 Ethnosynchretisms, assemblages, in which African masks and other cult objects are used. Exhibition “Angstbekämpfungsübungen” (Excercises for Fighting Fear) in Hof. Exhibition “Bronzes”, Galleria Niccoli, Parma. Exhibition “Krieger der Nacht” (Warriors of the Night), Galerie Belmont, Park Hotel Waldhaus, Flims, Switzerland. Exhibition of Rezeptmappen (Recipe folders) at the Galerie Littmann, Basel. “Les Nouveaux Réalistes” (Retrospective, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris; Kunsthalle, Mannheim). Project with students “Periit pars maxima”, Kunstverein Munich. Stage design for: “Leonardo hat’s gewusst” (Leonardo knew it) by Roland Topor; “Life’s a Dream” by Calderon de la Barca, performed at Freie Volksbühne, Berlin. |
1987 Exhibition “Bronzen und Teppiche” (Bronzes and rugs), Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne. Guest lecturer at Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst (art school), Vienna. Projects with students. Exhibition “Malattie della pelle” and “Le Trésor des Pauvres – Kitschteppiche” (Kitsch Rugs), Studio Morra, Neapel. Exhibition “Magie à la Noix und Ethnosynkretismen” (Nutmeg Magic and Ethnosynchretisms) Kunstmuseum Solothurn. Exhibition “Ethnosynkretische Objekte”(Ethnosynchretistic Objects), Galerie Littmann, Basel. The book “Dogma I am god” is published. It is dedicated to the Symian Kosta Theos. |
1988 Exhibition “Le trésors des pauvres”, Galerie Beaubourg, Paris. Project with students “La Belle et la Bête” (Beauty and the Beast), Fundushalle, Munich. Exhibition “Rezeptmappen”(Recipe folders)” Kulturhaus Graz; Gurlittmuseum, Linz. Exhibition “Vraiment faux” (Really fake), Fondation Cartier, Paris. Exhibition “Übrigens sterben immer die anderen” (By the way, it’s always the others that die) (Marcel Duchamp and the Avantgarde), Museum Ludwig, Cologne. |
1989 Gives up chair and civil servant status at the Kunstakademie Munich, to devote himself again completely to his own work. Lives in Paris and Italy (Arcidosso) Exhibition “Le Musée Sentimental de Bâle”, Basel. Organizes the space “Freunde/Friends” at the André Thomkins retrospective, Akademie der Künste, Berlin. “Magiciens de la Terre”, La Halle de la Villette, Paris. |
1989-90 Variation of the snare pictures with the so-called „Künstlerpaletten“ (Work-tables of artist friends ). Exhibition “Künstlerpaletten” Galerie Littmann, Basel; Galerie Beaubourg, Paris. Exhibition “Rezeptmappen”, Goethe Institute, Paris. Organization of the exhibition“L’accademia di Monaco visita l’accademia dell’Amiata”, Castello Aldobrandesco, Arcidosso. |
1990/91 Exhibition “Daniel Spoerri – Retrospective”, Centre Pompidou, Paris; Antibes, Munich, Vienna, Geneva und Solothurn. Exhibition “Salute” in honor of Daniel Spoerri (initiated by Pavel Schmidt), Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstrasse, Munich. Lives in Paris and in Seggiano (“Il Giardino”), Italy. |
1991 Studio at Hôpital Ephémère. Exhibition “Hôpital Ephémère”, Paris. Exhibition “Corps en morceaux”, Galerie Raab, Berlin. “Bienniale de Lyon”. Jean Tinguely dies the day before this biennial. Exhibition “Daniel Spoerri from A – Z”, Fondazione Mudima, Milan. Exhibition “Background Landscapes”, Zabriskie Gallery, New York. |
1992 Designs the restaurant for the Swiss pavillon at the expo at Sevilla. Exhibition “Sevilla Serie, Eaten by...”, Galerie Littmann, Basel, Galerie Beaubourg, Paris. |
1993 The French state awards Spoerri the “Grand Prix National de la Sculpture”. Designs the Salle du Roi in Chateau d’Oiron. (10 „Armures“ (Armors)). Exhibition “Collection Mama W.”, Chateau d’Oiron. |
1994 Exhibition “Cabinet anatomique”, Musée de l’assistence publique, Paris ; Centre d’Art, Montbéliard ; Galerie Raab, Berlin ; Galerie Holtmann, Cologne; Galerie Wachters, Brussels ; Galerie Andy Illien, Zurich; u.a. Exhibition “Corps en morceaux”, Galerie Kurt Kalb, Vienna. |
1995 Exhibition “La médecine opératoire par N.H.Jacob interprété par Daniel Spoerri” (120 small instructions for surgical operations interpreted with objects), Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris; Galerie Beim Steinernen Kreuz, Bremen; among others. |
1996 Exhibition “Carnaval des Animaux”, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris; Fondazione Mudima, Milan. Exhibition “Werke aus den letzten sieben Jahren” (Works of the last seven years), BAWAG Foundation, Vienna. |
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1997 Exhibition“Carnaval des Animaux”, Carré d’Art, Orleans; Galerie Wachters, Brussels; Galerie Raab, Berlin. Exhibition “Profession, Obsession (The Spoerri Archives)”, Landesbibliothek, Bern. Exhibition Sculptures in Bronze, Galerie Belmont Park Hotel Waldhaus, Flims, Switzerland. Exhibition “Arbeiten 1966-97” (Works 1966-97), Kunsthalle Burgdorf, Switzerland. Opening of the foundation Hic terminus haeret – Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri. Banquet “Samenessen” (Dinner of seeds) , Villa Haar, Weimar. Banquet “Arm und Reich” (Rich and Poor), Galerie Tangelberg, Kulturvermerke. |
1998 |
1999 Chambre No. 13, Mudima M2, Milan. Exhibition “Histoires de boîtes à lettres”, Galleria Peccolo, Livorno. Summer exhibition Il Giardino: “Eva Aeppli” (Homage to a 50-year friendship). |
2000 Chambre No.13 in: Exhibiton “Stanze e Segreti”, Rotonda della Besana, Milan. Exhibition “Die genetische Kette des Flohmarkts” (The genetic chain of the flea market), Palazzo delle Stelline, Milan. Exhibition “Cabinet Anatomique”, Emily Harvey Gallery, New York. Summer exhibition at Il Giardino; “Neue Installationen/New Installations” (Arman, Roberto Barni, Luigi Mainolfi among others) . |
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2001 Galerie Raab, Berlin Galerie Levy, Hamburg Retrospective, Museum Tinguely, Basel Sculptures in Bronze, Insel Mainau, Germany Exhibition “Eat Art”, Praterinsel, Munich. Summer exhibition Il Giardino By now, there are 70 sculptures installed in the sculpture park, Il Giardino. Galerie Henze & Ketterer, Wichtrach/Bern: “La chambre No. 13, Hôtel Carcassonne“ as well as examples from the series 1989–2001; Kunsthalle Villa Kobe in Halle |
2002 Kunstverein Lingen, Lingen. Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg. Museum of Contemporary Art, Ludwig Museum Budapest. “Le Restaurant Spoerri au Jeu de Paume”, Exhibition and seven different banquets at Museum Jeu de Paume, Paris. |
2003 KunstHaus Vienna. Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna, Haus der Kunst Stadt Brünn. County Hall Gallery, London “Marilyn”, Traveling exhibition with stops among others in Australia, Germany, Spain, Japan and Finland. Galerie 422, Gmunden „Musée sentimental du Giardino“, Kunsthaus Grenchen (Switzerland) |
2004 Exhibition: Daniel Spoerri – Meister des Zufalls (Master of chance) (Curator: Thomas Levy, Hamburg) in: Galerie der Stadt Klagenfurt; Musée des Beaux Arts – Villa Steinbach, Mulhouse Kunstverein, Ingolstadt Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia Museo Civico Revotella, Triest Galerie Fraich’Attitudes, Paris Musée des Jacobins, Morlaix. Galerie Henze+Ketterer, Wichtrach “Kleines Raritätenkabinett der Künstler des Giardino” (Small cabinet of rareties) Kunsthaus Grenchen, Grenchen Torrione Passari, Molfetta Galerie Geiger, Konstanz Installation of the Fleischwolfbrunnens (Meat-grinder well) in Bremen Exhibition: “Il peso della magia”, Torre Fiorenziana, Grono (Graubünden, Switzerland). |
2005 Daniel Spoerri becomes honorary citizen of Seggiano, Italy. Exhibition: Jüdisches Museum, Rendsburg. Galerie am Lindenplatz, Vaduz (FL). “Daniel Spoerri – Meister des Zufalls” (Master of Chance), Musée d’art et d’histoire, Fribourg. „Kleines Raritätenkabinett der Künstler des Giardino” (Small cabinet of rareties), Espace Niki de St. Phalle + J. Tinguely, Fribourg. “Prillwitzer Idole” (Idols of Prillwitz), Fondation Grard, Gijverinkhoven (Ostende); Fondazione Mudima, Milan; “35 Jahre Galerie Levy – 75 Jahre D.S.” (35 years Galerie Levy - 75 years D.S.), Galerie Levy, Hamburg . |
2006 Research on the “Obothrithic Antiquities”, which turn out to be the “Prillwitz Idols”. Large sculptures on this theme, which are first shown in Belgium (Fondation Grard). “Patron Saints and Guardians” project with the creative department of the Non-Profit Workshops of Cologne “Allerhand”. Joint exhibition at the “Bottmühle”, Cologne. Series “Piume per capelli – Hat feathers”
shown in Rome for the first time. |
2007 Extensive exhibition on the theme “Prillwitz Idols” in Schwerin. Extensive solo exhibition in New Brandenburg. Beginning of a series of “Faux tableaux pièges”, mounted tables, which are dedicated to specific persons. For the exhibition “Nouveau Réalisme” D.S. mounts an exhibition space as “chambre basculé” as previously done in the 1970s. The works in this capsized exhibition space are imitations of works by the Nouveaux Réalistes. For the Milan exhibition “Ultime Cena” in the Galleria delle Stelline, D.S. works with marble for the first time. Referring to the Last Supper he has 13 tableaus carved out of marble. The meals that famous people ate shortly before dying are depicted. Move to Vienna. During this move, a further documentary
film is made by Felix Breisach about Daniel Spoerri. |
2008 Further sculptures of the series „Prillwitz Idols“ are being created (bronzes) as well as Spoerri’s small assemblages and collages which he does nearly every day, like other artists work in a sketchbook. Most of them carry a date of day. The so called “False Snare pictures” are dedications to friends and acquainted persons are set on compositions with all sorts of objects which may be characteristic for the respective person. Exhibitions in Austria, France, Italy. In Italy Spoerri receives the “Ambrogino d’oro”, an important tribute to cultural merits, awarded by the city of Milan. In Germany he is awarded for his “Eat Art” with the “Eckhardt Witzigmann”-Prize, usually provided for famous cooks. |
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2009 |
2010 Spoerri creates a new series, called „erst letzt das erste“ (first last first) – 26 assemblages with objects that had been stowed away for several years. Spoerri accompanies a new sentimental museum at the city of Krems about Krems, Und and Stein, all small Austrian towns. His museum at Hadersdorf am Kamp (Austria) presents 80 works by Eva Aeppli – Swiss artist an Spoerri’s long year artist friend. Besides 26 new assemblages by Spoerri are being shown. Television („arte“) dedicated a one-hour Portrait to the artist: „One summer with Daniel Spoerri“, by Manfred Scheyko. |
2011 One of three new installations in the „Giardino“ is a bronze sculpture by Daniel Spoerri. It is about 5 meter high and it is called “Acrobatic Frogs”. Two exhibitions in the little Austrian museum at Hadersdorf am Kamp presented selected Spoerri-works along with beautiful delicate drawings and watercolours by one of his best friends: André Thomkins. In autumn Spoerri’s new “Faux Tableaux-pièges” have been shown with big still-life photographs by Vera Mercer. For the new series of “false” snare-pictures - which are a quotation of the artist himself – Spoerri uses mosaique-desktops dating from the Fifties. Thus he calls this series “Les années cinquantes”. Preparing a big exhibition starting in May (22th)
at the museum of natural history in Vienna, Spoerri is creating new assemblages
using pages of old herbaria, meteorites and corals, as well as deer heads. |
2012 Daniel Spoerri dedicated a tall bronze sculpture (two fighting figures with crab pincers) “Die Haderer”. It has been erected on a massive sock nearby the museum “Ausstellungshaus Spoerri” at the central market place. The Museum of Natural History in Vienna honoured
Daniel Spoerri by naming a beetle after him: “Phylomyceta spoerrii”. |
2013 “Historia Rerum Rariorum“ was the title of a great exhibition in a museum in the north of Germany, in the „Museumsberg“ Flensburg. Spoerri’s works of art had been embedded into the museum’s show rooms, thus prosecuting and expanding the principle of the exhibition in the Museum of Natural History in Vienna in 2012 (cataogue!). The gallery Levy (Hamburg) showed the whole series of assemblages on wash boards (catalogue). The sculpture garden “Giardino” ist still growing. New friendly contacts in Austria led to an exchange of works: Erwin Wurm received a bronze snare picture by Daniel Spoerri and returned the favour by donating a double pair of bronze trousers to the “Giardino”. A much older friendship had been celebrated with an exhibition in Hadersdorf where more than 300 works by Bernhard Luginbühl were shown. By way of exchange again works by Spoerri had been transported to the Luginbühl museum “Altes Schlachthaus” in Burgdorf (Switzerland). Daniel Spoerri received the award „Commandeur
de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres“ by the french ministry
of culture. |
2014 The sculpture „Acqua Golem“ is being presented in Marina di Grosseto (exhibition until 25th August 2014). For the little town Castel del Piano Spoerri created a
sculpture as a hint to the horse-race „Palio“ which takes
place every year on 8th September, a construction with a couple of oversize
horseshoes. |
2015 In France and Germany Spoerri’s Eat art banquets have been realized: The „Palindromic Dinner“ at Chinon The kitchen oft he poor (of the world), realized by Sarah Wiener, in Berlin at a „Zero“ exhibition. The artist’s 85th birthday was celebrated at the Gallery Levy in Hamburg. Levy presented an exhibition with many museum pieces showing the development of the “Tableau piège” (snare-picture) until today. (wonderful catalogue: “Il Spoerri oder There is”!) Austria Smaller collages and assemblages are constantly arising in Spoerri’s small studio in Vienna. In summer 2015 a new sculpture has been installed in the
garden oft he „Landesmuseum“ of Lower Austria in St. Pölten.
„Dead End“ is a variation of a sculpture quite known to „Giardino“-visitors
as „Das Massengrab der Klone“ (No.66) In spring 2015 an Eat-Art performance night was carried out in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin. A variety of pot dishes, made in accordance with Daniel Spoerri’s instructions, were on offer. The walls were hung with reproductions of the artist’s adage cloths, on which he had reformulated well-known sayings to do with the home and hearth, thereby de-familiarising them in typical Spoerri style. At the World Exhibition Expo in May 2015 Daniel Spoerri was represented with new porcelain tables that had been created in collaboration with the state porcelain manufacturer Meissen. These decorated the Swiss Pavilion. |
2016 At the end of the year, Daniel Spoerri reinstated the existing work „alpha & omega“ (children’s chairs combined with a variety of skulls) in a showroom in Vienna’s Museum Quarter: the little chairs stand on the ground between skeletal pine trees in various Christmas tree stands, amid torn gift wrap and fairy lights – a pastiche of a large gift table. In 2016 Daniel Spoerri picked up on an earlier idea. He reconstructed the displays of selected flea market stalls. The serendipity principle plays a different role here, because the objects were originally arranged by the stall’s salesperson. The title of these new flea market images is „Was bleibt“ (What remains). Daniel Spoerri was awarded the Lovis Corinth Prize by the Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg. The title of the exhibition he presented there was „Daniel Spoerri – Das offene Kunstwerk“ (Daniel Spoerri – The Open Artwork). A comprehensive retrospective exhibition of Daniel Spoerri’s works could be seen at almost the same time in the Museum for Contemporary Art, Krakow (MOCAK ). |
2017 The Musée Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, places Daniel Spoerri’s works prominently at the centre of the exhibition „Les dadas des deux Daniel“. Curator Valentin Rodriguez, with a sure eye for his subject, exhibited selected choice pieces from two great collectors: Daniel Cordier and Daniel Spoerri. They are linked by their sense of the curious. The „Ausstellungshaus Spoerri“ (Exhibition House Spoerri, Austria) was ruled by the sign of botany in 2017. Works by various artists were shown, all of whom worked with plants. – The link to the „Giardino“ is evident. Since 2016 it has had a director with a background in the natural sciences: Professor Stefano Mancuso, expert in „plant intelligence“. In Verona the gallerist Giorgio Gaburro (Box Art Gallery) organised one of Daniel Spoerri’s concept meals for 100 people: the „Palindormic Banquet“! |
2018 At the instigation of his good friend Gino di Maggio (Fondazione Mudima, Milan) Daniel Spoerri and his assistant Angelo Maineri create a new edition of the „Edition MAT“. Three variants of 30 objects by different artists, who had taken part in this Edition of movable multiples in 1959/60 and 1964, are made and are intended to form the basis for a Museum of Multiples, the brainchild of Gino di Maggio. Entitled „La réaltà è congruente con l’imaginazione“, Daniel Spoerri’s work constructs a number of mirror objects referencing the „art multiplicator“ that had been created in the 1960s. |
2019 Culinary themes were also featured elsewhere: both in the town of Krems, in the exhibition „Das Leben ein Festmahl“ (Life a Celebration Meal), which presented different elements of Daniel Spoerri’s oeuvre, and in the Museum Jean Tinguely (Basel), where „foodstuffs as a medium and as a material in art and in the kitchen“ were the focus of investigation („Amuse Bouche – Der Geschmack der Kunst“ - Amuse Bouche - The Taste of Art) Daniel Spoerri participated in the exhibition with an idea in which food concentrates were served in cube form: „Only flavour instead of food“. Eating a „menu“ of this sort is quickly concluded. A symposium focusing on the person of the artist Daniel Spoerri took place for the first time in Paris in 2019, in the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (German Forum for Art History) – „Topographies de Daniel Spoerri: l’artiste en ses réseaux„. 18 art theorists undertook a close analysis of Daniel Spoerri’s ability to form „networks“. Barbara Räderscheidt, Susanne Neumann and Anna Mazzanti addressed a specialist audience on the subject of the „Giardino di Daniel Spoerri“ and presented insights into the Gesamtkunstwerk of the „Giardino“ from the perspective of their respective specialist scholarly fields. |