Nam June Paik
Daniel Spoerri
Make something as big as the Eifeltower
Make something as big as the Eifeltower
Tour Eiffel en miniature, plinth
Nam June Paik’s health made communication between the two artist friends rather difficult. So Daniel Spoerri asked Emily Harvey to deliver a letter in which he asked Paik for a contribution to the Giardino. »Tell him to make something as big as the Eiffel Tower!”, Paik is supposed to have joyfully said, and Spoerri immediately installed the smallest Eiffel Tower that he could find, presenting a touch of the humour that Spoerri finds so appealing in Paik. When Emily Harvey saw the Eiffel Tower, she exclaimed: »But he didn’t say Eiffel Tower. He said Empire State Building!” And that pleased Spoerri no end.