Meeting point 17h30 at the ticket office, brief introduction to the Giardino and its history, then guided tour of the garden with Giovanna Longo, art historian and tourist guide from Castel del Piano. We walk through the park with its installations and discover art and nature in one of the most important contemporary art gardens in Tuscany. The works are explained, interpretations discussed, the talks then intensified with a glass of wine.
Buffet and drinks, entrance and guided tour are included in the price of 22 €. The tour will be held in Italian, but there is the possibility to form small extra groups (German / English).
Advance booking strongly recommended due to limited availability. Max. 25 people. Duration of the tour 2 hours, wear comfortable shoes! Ticket price: entrance, guided tour and buffet cost 22,00 € Please call 0564 950553 or send an e-mail to