The Giardino would like to invite you for an evening event that traces the close relationship between dance and sculpture in the artist interdisciplinary practice. Though Daniel Spoerri is best known as a visual artist his earliest practice was dance.
Closely examining the references made by and to Spoerri’s background in dance we will visit selected works within the Giardino that are quintessential to the understanding of his gesture. The first half of the evening is dedicated to the specialized tour, the second half of the night is the screening of the film: Billy Elliot with a following Prosecco at sunset.
Advance booking highly recommended due to limited availability. Tickets are 16 euro for visitors, 10 euro reduced price for inhabitants of Seggiano and Castel del Piano. (The screenings are available in English, Italian or German with subtitles and include the entrance to the park as well as two glasses of Prosecco) Please call 0564 950553 on the Friday prior to the event or email