Ursi Luginbühl
Keeper of the Threshold
Keeper of the Threshold
1997 / 2000
350 x 80 x 80 cm
The gate to the Giardino bears the motto »Hic terminus haeret«, a reference to transition, if the term »terminus« is understood not as an »end« but as »boundary«. One of Ursi Luginbühl’s »Large Garden Vases« right by the entrance is a preparation for the future, for the arrangement is reminiscent of the adventurous atmosphere in a hut that is entered with a combination of trepidation and joy of discovery, because you never know what could be hiding in the half-light. Out of the »Vase« itself emerge bronze antlers as well as green leaves. Thus the sculpture announces secrets and also sets the fundamental tone of the park: irony.