“ Kunstgeschichte(n) aus dem Nähkästchen” (Art hi-stor(ies)
from the inside) was the title of a series of lectures, which Daniel Spoerri
gave as a professor. His teaching began in 1977 in Cologne, at the FH
für Gestaltung (School of design) (1977-82), then he became professor
in Munich (1983-91); in addition there were guest professorships, for
example in Salzburg. In cooperation with the students Spoerri developed
and realized several projects, which are unfortunately not well documented.
Here are only some examples:
Cologne: «Le musée sentimental de Cologne»;
„Alice im Wunderland“;
„Promenade Sentimentale - eine Kölner Wall-Fahrt ” (A
Cologne Pilgrimage)
Munich : „Nicht sehen - eine Tasttour“(Not seeing –
a tour of touching);
“Periit pars maxima”;
“Della Colonna” (Exhibition in Gibellina, Sicily);
“Astro-Gastro-Diner”; “La Belle et la Bête”
Vienna: “Das Hypnodrom oder der Kampf zwischen Liebe und Traum im
bizarren Bazar” (The Hypnodrom or the Fight between Love and Dream
in the bizarre Bazar)
Salzburg: “Salzburg Incognito”,
“Der Verdauungsweg des Menschen” (The Human Route of Digestion)